Suggested Search: Arthur Wellesley, Meath, novelist, religion
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Administration And Diplomacy is a DIBAreaOfInterest.

Total Members: 739 | Male Members: 721 | Female Members: 18.

List of Male Members: ACourt William Adams William George Stewart Alen John Alen John Alexander Jerome Allan Frederick James Allen William Edward David Alleyn James Anderson John Anderson Robert Anderson Samuel Lee Andrews Christopher Stephen Archer Forster Ashe Richard Aston William George Audley James Aungier Francis Aungier Gerald Avaux Jean Antoine de Mesmes Axtell Daniel Bagot Robert Bagot Robert Balscot Alexander Barford Richard de Barnewall Christopher Barnewall Christopher Barnewall John Barrett Patrick Barrington Thomas Joseph Barrington Thomas Barron Geoffrey Bartley Patrick Joseph Plunkett Sheridan Bates John Dawson Bathe William Bayne Alexander Wallace Beacon Richard Beddy James Patrick Bell William Ewart Bellingham Daniel Bellingham Edward Bermingham William de Berry Peter Bewley Charles Henry Bewley Kenneth Bicknor Alexander Biggs Ewart Christopher Thomas Binchy Daniel Anthony Bingham Richard Bingley Ralph Black Harold Blackmore Charles Henry Blackwood Hamilton Temple Frederick Temple Bladen Martin Blake Henry Arthur Blake John Aloysius Bland John Otway Percy Bligh John Blount Charles Brooke Boisseleau Alexandre de de Boland Frederick Boland Henry Patrick Bonnell James Bouhéreau Élie Bourchier James David Bourke Patrick Boylan Henry Joseph Boyle William Brabazon Edward Brabazon William Breathnach Micheál Breen Dermot Brenan John Brennan Joseph Brennan Martin Brennan Robert Brett Charles Bridgwater John Brooke William Graham Brouncker Henry Browne Daniel Browne John Browne Richard Francis Browne Valentine Brownell Reginald Samuel Brun Fromund le Bryskett Lodowick Bulger Michael Joseph Burgess Henry Givens Burgh Richard de Burgh Thomas Burgh William Liath Burgh William Burke Oliver Burke Thomas Henry Burnham John Bury William Bushe Gervase Parker Butler Edmund Butler Edmund Butler James Butler James Butler Theobald Butler Theobald Butler Theobald Butler Theobald Butler Thomas Byers David Byrne Joseph Aloysius Byrne William Patrick Cahill Timothy Cairnes Alexander Caldwell Henry Campbell Charles Gordon Campbell David Callender Campbell Henry Caradoc John Hobart Carew John Carleton Guy Carlile James Carroll James Carroll Noel Casement Roger David Caulfeild Toby Chace Thomas Challoner John Chalmers Robert Charlton John Chartres John Smith Chedworth Thomas of Chichester Arthur Childers Erskine Barton Childers Robert Erskine Christie Michael Clancy John Clandillon Seamus Clark Ernest Clements Henry Theophilus Clere Nicholas de Cliffe John Clifford Conyers Codling Arthur Dean Coffey Hugh Diarmid James Coffey Æneas Coghill Marmaduke Colbert John Patrick Colby Thomas Frederick Cole Galbraith Lowry Collins John Collis Maurice Stewart Colton John Comerford Gerard Commins Thomas Vincent Coningsby Thomas Connolly Joseph Cooke Edward Cooper Robert George Cope Alfred William Corbet William Joseph Cornwalsh James Corry James Corry James Costello Michael Joseph Costigan Daniel Courtenay Philip Courtney Michael Aidan Coyne Thomas Joseph Cremin Cornelius Christopher Cremins Francis Thomas Croft James Cromer George Crowley Diarmuid Cuffe Hamilton John Agmondesham Culliford William Curtis Lionel George Curwin Hugh Dagg Thomas Sidney Charles Daly Dominick Daly Henry Dermot Danvers Henry Darcy William Davies Paul Dawson Charles Dawson Joshua De Renzy Matthew De Renzy Matthew De Verdun Bertram Deane Joseph Deeny James Andrew Dering Edward Dillon Robert Dillon Theobald Dobbs Arthur Docwra Henry Dombrain James Dongan Thomas Donnellan Nehemiah Dougherty James Brown Doyle James Michael Doyle Maurice Francis Drummond John Drummond Thomas Drury William Duane William John Dugdale Norman Duggan George Chester Dulanty John Whelan Dunlop Henry Wallace Doveton Dyke William Hart East Dean William Eden William Edgeworth Michael Pakenham Elliot William Ellis John Ellis John Ellis Samuel Embleton Robert Esmonde Osmond Thomas Grattan Exeter Richard Fagan John Farrington Anthony Fawsitt Diarmuid Fay William Patrick Ignatius Fenton Geoffrey Ferguson Robert Campbell Fitz Audelin William FitzEustace Roland FitzGeoffrey John FitzGerald Maurice fitz Gerald FitzGerald Maurice fitz Maurice FitzGerald Maurice fitz Thomas FitzGerald Thomas fitz John FitzGerald Thomas fitz Maurice FitzGerald Thomas fitz Thomas Fitzgerald Richard Fitzgerald William Vesey Fitzherbert Alleyne Fitzjohn William Fitzmaurice Gerald Henry Fitzpatrick Jeremiah Fitzpatrick Richard Fitzpatrick Thomas Fitzroger William Fitzsimons Edward John Bourke Fogarty Christopher Forbes George Forbes John Fremantle Thomas Francis Frosinone John Gallagher Denis Galwey John Gardiner Charles Gardiner Luke Garvey Tom Thomas Garvin John Gaveston Piers de Geneville Geoffrey Giffard John Gill Thomas Patrick Gleeson Martin Maurice Godley John Robert Gordon John Fawcett Gorges John Gorges Richard Gorges Robert Gorham Maurice Anthony Coneys Gransden Robert Grattan Thomas Colley Graves Robert Wyndham Gray David Greene William Conyngham Greeves John Ernest Gregg Cornelius Joseph Gregory Robert Gregory William Henry Gregory William Grey John de Grey Lord Leonard Grierson George Abraham Griffith Amyas Griffith Richard John Hamilton James Hamilton John William Hamilton Robert George Crookshank Hamilton Sackville Hancock William Neilson Harbord William Harcourt Simon Harrel David Alfred Hart Robert Haye Walter de la Hayes Francis Mahon Joseph Hegarty Denis Anthony Hempel Eduard Hennessy John Pope Henry II Henry Hensey Brendan Joseph Herbert William Herzog Chaim Hincks Francis Hoey John Cashel Hogan Gabriel Patrick Sarsfield Holcroft Henry Holden David Charles Beresford Hutchinson Hely John Hynes Francis Alexander Iliff William Angus Boyd Inge Hugh Ingoldsby Henry Ingram John Iremonger Valentin Ireton Henry Islip Walter Jenison Thomas Jenkinson Edward George Johnson Guy Johnson William Jones Gerard Jones Richard Jones Theophilus Jordan John Newell Joyce John Stanislaus Kavanagh Thomas Henry Keating Henry Sheehy Keating Paul John Geoffrey Keenan Patrick Joseph Kelly Charles Edward Kennedy Eamonn Lucas Keon Miles Gerald Kerney Leopold Harding Kidd Robert Hill Killaly Hamilton Hartley Killeen Michael Joseph King John King Lucas White Kinnane Michael Joseph Knox Alexander Knox William Laffan Robert Michael Lambart Oliver Lambert Eric Thomas Drummond Lane George Larcher John Larcom Thomas Aiskew Law Edward Fitzgerald Lawless Patrick Lawlor Dermot Colman Le Fanu William Richard Lees Edward Smith Lemass Frank Lenihan Patrick James Lester Seán John Ernest Lewis Andrew Lewis George Cornewall Leydon John Lloyd Charles Dalton Clifford Loftus Adam Logan James Lowther Gerrard Lowther James Lucy Anthony Luzio Salvatore Lye John Lynch Patrick Neison Lynch Stanislaus John MacCarthy James Charles Brendan MacDonnell Alexander MacDonnell Antony Patrick MacDonnell Richard Graves MacHale Joseph Patrick MacMahon James MacMahon Peadar MacWhite Eoin Macartney George Macaulay William Babbington Macnaghten William Hay Madden Richard Robert Madgett Nicholas Madgett Nicholas Maffey John Loader Magill Walter Alexander Maher Denis John Mainwaring Philip Malley James Young Mandeville Henry de Marisco Geoffrey Marsden Alexander Marshal Gilbert Marshal Richard Marshal William Mason William Shaw McCann Hugh James McCauley Leo Thomas McDonald Denis Ronald McDonnell Schomberg Kerr McDunphy Michael McElligott James John McGrath George McGrath Joseph McNeill James Meghen Patrick Joseph Methold William Meyrick Francis James Mills Michael Minot Thomas Molloy John Gerald Molyneux Thomas Monck Charles Stanley Montgomery Hugh Edmund Langton Montgomery James Moriarty Patrick John Morice John Morley John Morris Patrick Mortimer Roger Moryson Fynes Moryson Richard Moynihan John Power Moynihan Maurice Gerard Mulvany William Thomas Murphy Con Cornelius Murphy Kevin Murphy Seán Anthony Murray Charles Henry Murray Joseph Vivian Muschamp Denny Nagle John Charles Nally Dermot Nally William Francis Newe Gerard Benedict Nicholls George Northalis Richard Nugent Richard Nunan Seán OBrien Conor Cruise OBrien William OBrien William OCallaghan Michael OConnell Maurice Charles Philip OConnell Timothy OConnor Robert OConnor Seán ODoherty Joseph ODoherty Michael Kevin ODonnell Charles James OCahan ODonnell John ODonoghue Philip ODonovan John ODriscoll Timothy Joseph ODwyer Edmund ODwyer Michael Francis OFerrall Richard More OFlaherty Hugh Joseph OFriel Henry OHegarty Diarmuid OHegarty Patrick Sarsfield OHiggins Ambrosio OKelly de Gallagh et Tycooly Gerald Edward OLeary Daniel Florence OLeary Jeremiah ONeill Con Douglas Walter ONeill Joseph James OShaughnessy William Brooke OShiel Kevin Roantree OSullivan Daniel OSullivan Donal Joseph OSullivan Edward Oliver John Andrew Ouseley Gore Outlaw Roger Oviedo Mateo Pakenham Richard Parker John Parsons William Paulet George Peck John Howard Pennefather Richard Perceval Richard Percival Phillip Petit William Petty William Phelan Denis Phelan Edward Joseph Philips Ambrose Piers Henry Pigot David Richard Pinkerton John Plunkett Francis Richard Plunkett Thomas Oliver Westenra Poer Robert Poer Roger Pollock John Ponsonby Brabazon Porter Francis Knowles Pottinger Eldred Pottinger Henry Power Richard Pratt John Preston Robert Quantock Thomas Quigley Paul Rainsford Frederick Fitzpatrick Ralph Rawson John Ray Thomas Mathew Redington Thomas Nicholas Reynolds Charles Reynolds Thomas Richard II Richard of York Ridgeway Thomas Rinuccini GianBattista Robinson Andrew Robinson David Willis Robinson Henry Augustus Robinson Hercules George Robert Roche Stephen Anselm Rochelle Richard Rochfort Robert Rokeby Thomas Rokeby William Ronan Sean Gerard Routh Randolph Isham Rushe Denis Carolan Ryan Andrew Rynne Michael Andrew Lysaght Sandford John of Savage Philip Scarampi PierFrancesco Scrope Stephen Scrope William Shaen James Shea Patrick Shee George Shee George Sheil Justin Sheridan Thomas Sherwood William Simms John Gerald Smiddy Timothy Aloysius Smith Bernard Smith Thomas Smythe Percy Clinton Sydney Southwell Robert Spender Wilfrid Bliss St Amand Almaric St John John of St Lawrence Robert St Leger Warham St Paul John Stafford Thomas Stanihurst Richard Stanley John Stanley Thomas Stephens Edward Millington Stephens William Henry Stephenson Robert Stewart Charles William Stewart George Francis Stewart Herbert Ray Stewart Robert Stokes George Gabriel Sturgis Grant Mark Beresford Russell Swan William Bellingham Swayne John Sweetman Michael John Taaffe Francis Taaffe James Taaffe William Taghmon Hugh de Talbot James Talbot John Talbot Richard Talbot Thomas Tallents Stephen George Tany William Taylor George Watson Temple John Temple William Therry John Joseph Thomas Tiptoft John Tobin Liam Tremayne Edmund Trench Richard Le Poer Trenchard John Trevelyan Charles Edward Trevor Edward Trollope Anthony Turner Alfred Edward Twisleton Edward Turner Boyd Twomey Daniel Ua Riacáin Muirchertach Ufford Ralph Ufford Robert Uniacke John James FitzGerald Valognes Hamo de Vanston George Thomas Barrett Vescy William de Waddell Samuel John Waldby Robert Wall Joseph Wall Mervyn Eugene Welply Wallop Henry Walmsley James Andrew Walsh John Joseph Walsh Maurice Walsh William Henry Walshe Joseph Patrick Walter Theobald Wandesforde Christopher Ward Andrew Warden David Bailie Ware James Warnock William Waterhouse Edward Watson Charles Moore Watts William Arthur Welles William Wellesley Richard Colley Wentworth DArcy West Raymond Whinnery Thomas White Francis Wikeford Robert Williams Philip Windsor William Wise Andrew Wogan William Woods Thomas Worcester Philip Wyse Andrew Reginald Nicholas Gerald Bonaparte Wyse Thomas fitz Anthony Thomas fitz Henry Meiler le Poer Arnold Ó Broin León Ó Broin Seán Ó Buachalla Domhnall Ó Conaill Séamus Ó Fergusa Cormac Ó Flathartaigh Mairtín Ó Raifeartaigh Tarlach Ó hAnnracháin Fachtna Ó hÉigeartaigh Seán Sairseal Alexander Michael ODonel Bjarne Aylmer Gerald Bagenal Philip Henry Dudley Bardfield William Barry Matthew Belton John Aloysius Bermingham John Bermingham Patrick Bermingham Walter Blake Anthony Richard Bourke Toby Burgoyne John Fox Cavendish Henry Charlton Thomas Clements Nathaniel Conway Thomas Cooke Sir Richard Cowley Robert Cowley Walter Crampton John Fiennes Twisleton Crawford Robert Lindsay Crofton Walter Frederick Cusack Thomas Darcy John Devlin Denis Exeter Richard Fitton Edward FitzGerald Thomas fitz Maurice Fitzwilliam William Freigne Fulk Giffard Ambrose Hardinge Googe Barnabe Hastings Francis Rawdon Hayes Richard Francis Hearne John Joseph Hotham John Hutchinson Hely Walter Francis Jackson Richard Keightley Thomas Kennedy Arthur Edward Kiernan Thomas Joseph La Touche William George Digges Lees John Lynch James MacCarthy Cormac MacWhite Michael Macartney George Madden Thomas More Magill Andrew Philip Marshal William McCourt Kevin Nathan Matthew Nicholson John Nowlan Kevin Ingram OConor Nicholas Roderick ODaly Daniel Peter Richard Milliken Plunkett Alexander Ridgeway Joseph West Robinson Paschal Sadleir Thomas Sandes Arthur Sankey Richard Hieram Smith Vincent Arthur Southwell Thomas Spenser Edmund Staunton George Leonard Sulivan Laurence Talbot Richard Francis Tynbegh William Ua Conairche Christian Ua Dúnáin Máel Muire Walsh Nicholas Whitworth Charles Wickham Joseph Ignatius Worsley Benjamin
List of Female Members: Anderson Emily Beere Thekla Calvert Lilian Irene Mercer Cane Lucy Mary Curtis Amy Dickie Marie Louise Dunlevy Mairéad Frost Georgina Jones Mary Latchford Kingsmill Keightley Gertrude Emily Lynam Sybil Mary Joan Martindale Hilda Mason Sinéad McNeill Josephine Murphy Sheila Geraldine Mary OConnell Kathleen Power Ann Wyse Tinney Mary Catherine
Sample relations for illustrative purposes

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