Suggested Search: Arthur Wellesley, Meath, novelist, religion
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Total Members: 644 | Male Members: 629 | Female Members: 15.

List of Male Members: Alen John Alexander Jerome Alleyn James Anderson Robert Anderson Samuel Lee Andrews James Annesley Francis Archbold John Frederick Armstrong Henry Bruce Armstrong Richard Arnold Nicholas Ashbourn Ellis Atkinson John Aungier Francis Babington Anthony Brutus Babington Anthony Patrick Bagot Robert Bagot Robert Ball John Thomas Ball Nicholas Barnewall Christopher Barnewall Patrick Barrett Stephen Declan Barrington Jonah Barrington Matthew Barron Geoffrey Barry Charles Robert Barry James Barry Ralph Brereton Barry Redmond Barton Dunbar Plunket Bates Richard Dawson Bell Alan Bellew William Bellings Richard Bennett Richard Newton Beresford Marcus Berwick Walter Best Richard Bewley Charles Henry Bing Geoffrey Henry Cecil Black Arthur Blackburne Francis Blake Edward Blake Henry Arthur Blake Richard Blennerhassett John Boland John Mary Pius Bolton Edward Bolton Richard Booth Robert Bowes John Boyle Christopher Kevin Boyle Michael Brabazon William Bradstreet Samuel Brady Francis William Brady Hugh Brady Maziere Brady Patrick Joseph Brett Charles Brewster Abraham Bric John Bridgwater John Brodrick Alan Brown Samuel Lombard Browne Arthur Browne Daniel Browne Geoffrey Browne John Bryan Patrick Bryce James Budd Frederic Gardner Orford Burgh Walter Hussey Burke James Michael Burke Ulick Ralph Burnell Henry Burrowes Peter Bushe Charles Kendal Butler Edward Butler Simon Butt Isaac Bysse John Cairns Hugh McCalmont Caldwell Andrew Calthrope Charles Campbell James Henry Mussen Campbell Thomas Joseph Carleton Hugh Carson Edward Henry Carter Thomas Casey Charles Francis Caulfeild William Cenn Fáelad Cenn Fáelad Chance Patrick Alexander Chartres John Smith Chedworth Thomas of Cherry Richard Robert Christian Jonathan Clancy John Joseph Cockran William Bourke Coghlan Joseph Cohalan Daniel Florence Cole John Sydney Richard Collins John Henry Collins Richard Henn Comerford Gerard Comerford James Joseph Commins Andrew Comyn George Comyn James Peter Comyn Michael Condon Colm Columba Coningsby Thomas Conolly Thomas James Coogan Edward Cook John Copinger Maurice Costello John Aloysius Cowan Peadar Cox Arthur Conor Joseph Cox Richard Crampton Philip Cecil Cranley Thomas Crookshank Alexander Crowley Diarmuid Cuffe Charles Richard Cunningham Timothy Curran Constantine Peter Curran Henry Grattan Curran John Philpot Curran Lancelot Ernest Curran Richard Creagh Curwin Hugh Cusack Adam Cusack James Davies John Davin Tom Dawson Arthur Day Robert Deale Kenneth Edwin Lee Dease Matthew OReilly Deasy Rickard Morgan Delahide Richard Denham John Dent Thomas Dillon Garret Dillon James Mathew Dillon Robert Dix Ernest Reginald McClintock Dixon Kevin Doherty John Dolan Charles Joseph Domvile William Dowling Matthew Downes William Downing Timothy McCarthy Dowse Richard Duane William John Dubthach Dubthach Duffy Bernard Joseph Duffy George Gavan Duffy Patrick Aloyisius Duggan Éamonn John Duhigg Bartholomew Duigenan Patrick Duke Henry Edward Dungan Thomas Egan John Elliott Andrew Charles Emmet Christopher Temple Emmet Thomas Addis Ensor George Erle Thomas Esmonde John Henry Grattan Esmonde John Lymbrick Everard John Exeter Richard Falkiner Caesar Litton Falkiner Frederick Richard Fawsitt Diarmuid Ferguson James Frederic Findlater William Finglas Patrick Finn William Francis Fitton Alexander FitzGerald Alexis James Oliver FitzGerald Thomas fitz Thomas FitzGerald William OBrien FitzGibbon John Fitzgerald James Fitzgerald John David Fitzgerald Percy Hetherington Fitzgibbon Gerald Fitzgibbon John Fitzharris Edward Fitzpatrick Thomas Joseph Fitzrichard Simon Fitzroger William Flood Warden Folejambe Godfrey Foot Lundy Edward Foot Lundy Fox Luke Gallagher Henry Thomas Geoghegan James Gerrard William Gibson Maurice Glass John Basil Glynn Patrick McMahon Goff John Gogarty Oliver Duane Odysseus Goold Thomas Gordon John Gore John Graham Edgar Samuel David Grantchester John Graves John Thomas Gray Moses Wilson Gray Samuel Greer Samuel McCurdy Grogan Vincent Benedict Hadsor Richard Hamilton Liam Joseph Lyons Hanna Francis Hanna George Boyle Harvey Beauchamp Bagenal Haughey Padraig Columb Haye Walter de la Hayes Francis Mahon Joseph Healy Maurice Francis Healy Maurice Healy Timothy Michael Hearn William Edward Hemphill Charles Hare Henchy Séamus Anthony Henderson James Henn Jonathan Henry Denis Stanislaus Heron Denis Caulfield Herzog Chaim Heuston Robert Francis Vere Hewitt James Higinbotham George Hinkson Henry Albert Hoare Joseph Hogan Patrick Holmes Hugh Holmes Robert Horgan John Joseph Hudson William Elliott Hughes Hector Samuel James Hughes Henry George Hyde Harford Montgomery Inge Hugh Irvine William Hill Jackson Joseph Devonsher Jackson Richard Jebb Richard Jocelyn Robert Johnson Robert Johnston William John Jones Peter William Warburton Jones Thomas Joy Henry Keatinge John Keightley Samuel Robert Kelly Hugh Cunningham Kelly Jasper Kelly John Maurice Kelly John William Basil Kelly Richard John Kemmis Thomas Kenealy Edward Vaughan Hyde Kennedy Hugh Kennedy Tristram Edward Kenney Fitzgerald James Christopher Keogh William Nicholas Kernan Randal Killen James Bryce Kinlen Dermot Patrick LEnfaunt Walter LEnfaunt Walter Langford Henry Larcher John Lardner James Carrige Rushe Lavery Cecil Patrick Linton Law Hugh Alexander Lawless John Lawless Luke Lawson James Anthony Leamy Edmund Lefroy Thomas Langlois Lehane Con Lenihan Brian Lennon James Gerard Levinge Richard Ley James Lindsay Patrick James Lindsay Robert Little Patrick John Lloyd Charles Dalton Clifford Loftus Adam Loftus Dudley Lowry Robert Lynd Erskine Lowry William Lowther Gerard Lowther Gerrard Lucas Henry Luterel Robert Luttrell Thomas Lynch Fionán Lynch Patrick Gregory Lynch Robert Roebuck Lynch Stanislaus John Lysaght Edward Mac Aodhagáin Giolla Naomh MacBride Seán MacCarthy John George MacDermot Hugh Hyacinth ORorke MacDermott John Clarke MacDonagh Donagh MacDonagh Terence MacDonnell Eneas MacDonnell James Joseph MacDonnell Richard Graves MacNally Leonard MacNeill John Gordon Swift Macauliffe Max Mackey Rex Macnaghten Edward Madden Dodgson Hamilton Magan Francis Maginess William Brian Maguire Conor Alexander Mahony Pierce Malone Anthony Malone Edmond Maning Frederick Edward Marsden Alexander Marshall Robert Martin James Martin Richard Mason William St John Mathew James Charles May George Augustus Chichester Mayart Samuel Mayne Richard McCarthy Niall St John McCausland Dominick McCoan James Carlile McConnell Robert William Brian McGilligan Patrick McGonigal Ambrose Joseph McGrory Patrick John Mary McGuckin James McIvor Basil McKenna Theobald McSparran James McVeagh Trevor George Brooke Meade John Meenan James Francis Mellon Thomas Meredith James Creed Methold William Methuen John Mitford John Freeman Molloy Charles Molony Thomas Francis Monahan James Henry Moore William Morris Michael Morris William OConnor Muldoon John Murnaghan James Augustine Murphy Arthur Murphy Edward Sullivan Murphy Francis Stack Napier Joseph Netterville Richard Nihell James Norcott William Noyek Michael Nugent Nicholas Nugent Thomas OBrien Cornelius OBrien Edward OBrien Ignatius John OBrien Peter OByrne John OClery Patrick Keyes OConnell Daniel OConnor Arthur James Kickham OConnor Charles Andrew OConnor James OConnor Maurice OConnor Roderick Hugh OConor Matthew ODonnell Patrick ODonnell Thomas ODonoghue Philip ODwyer Paul ODwyer William OFerrall John Lewis More OFlanagan James Roderick OGorman Nicholas Purcell OGorman Richard OGrady Standish James OHagan John OHagan Thomas OHanlon Roderick Joseph OLeary Michael OLoghlen Bryan OLoghlen Colman Michael OLoghlen Michael OShaughnessy Thomas Lopdell OShee James John OShiel Kevin Roantree Orpen Goddard Henry Osborne John Overend Andrew Kingsbury Overend George Acheson Overend George Gordon Overend Thomas George Palles Christopher Parker John Paterson William Payne John Pelham Edmund Pennefather Edward Pennefather Richard Pepys Richard Phillips Charles Phipps Constantine Pigot David Richard Pigot John Edward Pim Jonathan Ernest Plunket David Robert Plunket John Plunket Thomas Plunket William Conyngham Plunkett John Hubert Plunkett Nicholas Pollock John Pollock Joseph Ponsonby Brabazon Ponsonby George Porter Andrew Marshall Porter Charles Porter William Power Richard Prendergast John Patrick Preston Roger Preston William Proby John Joshua Quinn John Radcliffe John Reddin John Kenneth Sheils Redmond William Archer Reid Richard Tuohill Reily Hugh Reynell Richard Rice Stephen Rice Vincent Richey Alexander George Ridgeway William Robb John Hanna Robinson Christopher Rochford Robert Rogerson John Ronan Stephen Ross Lt col. Ronald Deane Ross John Russell Charles Ruttledge Patrick Joseph Ryan Eoin Ryves William Sadleir Thomas Ulick Sampson William Samuels Arthur Warren Saurin William Scanlan Thomas Scott John Scott William Dalgeish Scully Vincent Seward William Wenman Seymour William Digby Shaw James Johnston Sheares Henry Shee George Sheehan Daniel Desmond Sheehy Eugene Sherlock David Sibthorpe Christopher Singleton Henry Sirr Henry Charles Skinner James John Skrene William Smith James Smith Michael Smith Thomas Berry Cusack Smith William Cusack St Lawrence Nicholas Stanyhurst James Stawell William Foster Steele William Stephens Edward Millington Stewart John Stoker Abraham Stokes Whitley Sugden Edward Burtenshaw Sullivan Alexander Martin Sullivan Edward Sullivan Francis Stoughton Sutton Thomas Manners Swayne John Sweetman William Nicholas Synnott Nicholas Joseph Talbot Robert Talbot William Taylor John Francis Taylor John Sydney Temple John Therry Roger Thompson William Marcus Tighe Edward Toler John Topping Walter William Buchanan Trant Dominick Upington Thomas Vanston George Thomas Barrett Vernon John Fane Walkem George Anthony Walker Roger Chambers Walsh Brian Cathal Patrick Walsh John Edward Walsh John Walsh Louis Joseph Warnock John Edmund West Raymond White Herbert Terence de Vere White Nicholas Whiteside James Wikeford Robert Willes Edward Willes James Shaw Wilson Daniel Martin Wilson John Wolfe Arthur Wood Ernest Mounteney Woulfe Stephen Wrixon Henry John Wyche Cyril Wylie William Evelyn Wyndham Thomas Yelverton Barry Ó Caoimh Aindrias Ó Dálaigh Cearbhall Ó Síocháin Pádraig Augustine Ó hUadhaigh Robert Ó hUadhaigh Seán Anster John Martin Aylmer Gerald Bagwell Richard Bardfield William Battersby Thomas Stephenson Francis Bermingham Patrick Bewley Edmund Thomas Black William Bullick Blake Anthony Richard Bodkin Matthias McDonnell Butler Theobald Byrne Séamus Conroy John Charles Cooke Thomas Lalor Curran Thomas Bartholomew Daly Denis Darcy Patrick Davitt Cahir Dillon Lucas Dillon Robert Dillon Robert Donnellan James Duquery Henry Emmet Robert Eustace Maurice Exeter Richard Finucane Patrick FitzGerald Thomas fitz John Fitzgibbon Gerald Fitzpatrick James Coleman Forster John Gibson Edward Greatrakes William Haugh Kevin OHanrahan Healy Francis Jerome Hearne John Joseph Howard Gorges Edmond Huband Joseph Ingram Thomas Dunbar Kenny John Joseph Law Hugh Longfield Mountifort McGonigal Richard Meredith Robert Moore Theodore Conyngham Kingsmill Nagle Richard Naish John OConnell John Robert OMahony Eoin Seosamh Parsons Lawrence Perrin Louis Plunket John Preston Robert Price Liam Pringle Alfred Denis Radcliffe George Rea John Rothe Robert Sarsfield Dominick Stack George Hall Sullivan Timothy Supple Gerald Henry Teevan Thomas Tighe William Torrens Robert Walker Samuel Walsh Nicholas Weston Robert
List of Female Members: Airey Johanna Carroll Mella Elizabeth Laurie Cotter Brigid Mary Deverell Averill Katherine Statter Frost Georgina Hobbs Davison Margaret Elizabeth Kennedy Eileen Kyle Frances Christian McCormack Inez Jane Mary Moran Frances Elizabeth Murnaghan Sheelagh Mary Nelson Rosemary Owens Evelyn Winter Catherine Conlon Sarah
Sample relations for illustrative purposes

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