Suggested Search: Arthur Wellesley, Meath, novelist, religion
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Military is a DIBAreaOfInterest.

Total Members: 866 | Male Members: 857 | Female Members: 9.

List of Male Members: Abercromby Ralph Adair William Thompson Adam William Augustus Aherne Eugene John Alexander Conel Hugh ODonel Allen John Anderson John DArcy Angulo Gilbert de Archdale Mervyn Edward Archer James Archer William Aloysius Armstrong John Warneford Arnott Lauriston John Ash Thomas Aston Arthur Atkinson Joseph Axtell Daniel Aylmer Matthew Aylmer William Bagenal Nicholas Bagenal Walter Barnewall Nicholas Barrett John Barry Maxwell John Barry James Barry John Barry Philip of Barré Isaac Barton Arthur Henry Beamish George Robert Beamish North Ludlow Beaufort Francis Bellew John Bellew John Bellingham Edward Bellingham Thomas Belton Andrew Beresford Charles William de la Poer Beresford George Thomas Berkeley John Bickerstaff Isaac John Bingham Edward Barry Stewart Bingham George Charles Bingham George Bingham Richard Blackwell James Bartholomew Blackwood Henry Blackwood James Stevenson Bladen Martin Blake James Blakeney William Bligh Thomas Blood Thomas Blount Charles Brooke Bodley Josias Boisseleau Alexandre de de Borlase John Bourke Theobald Bourke Walter Boyd Robert Boyle Roger Bradstreet Dudley Brady Thomas Braose Philip Brennan Austin Joseph Brennan Michael Brereton William Brian Bórama Brodrick St John Brooke Basil Brooke Robert Brouncker Henry Brown William Browne George Baxter Browne George Browne George Browne Nicholas Browne Valentine Browning Michael Broy Eamon Bruce Edward Brush Edward James Augustus Howard Bryan Daniel Bryan George Burgh Richard Burgh Thomas Burgh Thomas Burgh Walter Burgh William Liath Burgh William de Burgh William Burke John Burke John Burke Ricard Mór Burke Ricard Ó Cuairsge Burke Richard Burke Richard Burke Uilleag Burke Uilleag Burke Ulick Burke Ulick Burke Ulick Bury Howard Charles Kenneth Butler Charles Butler James Butler James Butler James Butler James Butler Pierce Butler Piers Butler Piers Butler Piers Butler Richard Butler Walter Butler William Francis Byrne Garret Byrne Joseph Aloysius Byrne Miles Cadogan William Cadogan William Cahill Joe Cairnes David Caldwell Frederick Caldwell Henry Caldwell Hume Caldwell James Caldwell James Caldwell John Cammock George Campbell Cecil James Henry Campsie Henry Caradoc John Francis Caradoc John Hobart Carew George Carleton Guy Carney Francis Casement Thomas Hugh Caulfeild Toby Chaigneau William Chamberlain Neville Francis Fitzgerald Charlton John Chesney Charles Cornwallis Chesney Francis Rawdon Chichester Arthur Chichester Arthur Church Richard Churchill John Clare Richard de Clare Richard de Clare Thomas Clarke George Clery Cornelius Francis Clifford Conyers Clifford Robert Clissmann Helmut Clotworthy Upton Cockburn George Colclough Anthony Cole Galbraith Lowry Cole William Collins Dominic Collins Michael Colthurst Bowen John Colthurst Conway Edward Conway Henry Seymour Conyngham Albert Cooper Bryan Ricco Coote Charles Coote Charles Coote Eyre Coote Eyre Corbet Thomas Corbet William Corcoran Michael Cornwallis Charles Cosby Francis Costello Dudley Costello Michael Joseph Cotter James Coughlan Cornelius Courcy John Courtney Thaddeus Cornelius Cowan Peadar Crane Charles Paston Crean Thomas Joseph Croft James Cromwell Henry Cronin Seán Gerard Crosbie Thomas Crosby Piers Crozier Francis Rawdon Moira Crozier Frank Percy Cullen Thomas Culme Hugh Cunningham Andrew Browne Curran Lancelot Ernest Cusack George Cusack Nicholas Custume Cutts John Dalton Charles Francis Daly Henry Dermot Daly James Joseph Danvers Henry Darcy Patrick Dartasso Janico Deane Joseph Dease Maurice James Deasy Henry Hugh Peter Deasy Rickard Deasy Timothy Deegan Columbanus Denham James Steuart Dermody Thomas Derry Valentine Despard Edward Marcus Devereux John Dill John Greer Dillon James Dillon Theobald Dillon Thomas Dixon Daniel Stewart Thomas Bingham Docwra Henry Dongan Thomas Dongan William Dowling Richard William Doyle Charles William Doyle James Michael Doyle John Doyle William Joseph Gabriel Drury William Duckett William Dunville John Durnford Anthony William Edgeworth Kenneth Essex Erle Thomas Esmond Laurence Evans George de Lacy Feehan Matthew Finn Edmund Finucane Brendan Eamonn FitzGerald Gerald fitz Maurice FitzGerald Maurice Fitzgerald Henry Fitzgerald John Fitzgerald Walter Fitzgibbon John Charles Henry Fitzharris Edward Fitzjames James Fitzmaurice James Christopher Fitzpatrick Bernard Edward Barnaby Fitzpatrick John Fitzpatrick Richard Fitzpatrick Richard Fitzwilliam Oliver Fleetwood Charles Flood Solly Arthur Foley Gerald Robert Edward Forbes Arthur Forbes Arthur Forbes George Forbes George Forde Francis Fortescue Faithful Fowke Francis French John Denton Pinkstone Fry Oliver Gillespie Robert Rollo Ginkel Godard van Reede Godley John Raymond Goertz Herman Gore Albert Augustus Gough Charles John Stanley Gough Hubert de la Poer Gough Hugh Henry Gough Hugh Grace Richard Grant Jasper Gregory William Robert Grey Arthur Guinness Walter Edward Gwynn Stephen Lucius Haddick Victor Anderson Hamilton Anthony Hamilton Charles Hamilton Frederick Hamilton Frederick Hamilton Gustavus Hamilton Gustavus Hamilton Hugh Hamilton James Hamilton James Hamilton John William Hamilton Malcolm Hamilton Richard Hamilton William Henry Hanger George Harrington Niall Charles Harrison Henry Harty Oliver Hely Hutchinson John Henchy Florence Henderson Oscar Hepenstall Edward Lambert Herzog Chaim Hickie William Bernard Hoare Edward Hobson William Holden David Charles Beresford Howard Thomas Hughes Brendan Hughes Frederick Desmond Hutchinson Hely Christopher Hutchinson Hely John Ingoldsby Henry Ingoldsby Richard Ireton Henry Irvine William Irwin John Jephson William Jocelyn Robert Johnson Henry Johnson William Johnstone Edgeworth Walter Jones Arthur Jones Michael Jones Theophilus Joyce Pierce Charles Kavanagh Gerald Keating Henry Sheehy Keatinge Maurice Bagenal St Leger Keenan Brian Paschal Kelly Thomas Kennedy Shaw James Kennedy John Pitt Keogh Myles Walter Keohane Joseph Nicholas Kerwin Michael Kettle Thomas Michael Keugh Matthew Kiggell Launcelot Edward Kilmaine Charles Edward Saul Jennings Kilmartin John Ignatius Kilmartin Terence Kevin King Frank Douglas King George King John King William Donald Aelian King William Kirke Percy Kitchener Horatio Herbert Knox John LEnfaunt Walter La Touche David Digues I Lacey Denis Lacy Hugh Lacy Peter Edmund Lacy Walter Laffan Robert Michael Lake Gerard Lambart Charles Lambart Oliver Lambert Eric Thomas Drummond Lauzun Antonin Nompar de Caumont Lawless Luke Lawless Patrick Lawless William Lawrence Richard Ledwidge Francis Edward Lee Thomas Lehane Con Leonard Arthur Glyn Leslie John Lewis Andrew Lewis John Lloyd Edward Lucas Charles Davis Ludlow Edmund Lundie Robert Luttrell Henry Lawes Luttrell Henry Luttrell Simon Mac Eoin Seán MacArthur William Porter MacBride John MacCall Seamus MacCarthy Charles MacCarthy Donough MacCarthy Justin MacDonagh Terence MacDonnell Alasdair MacColla MacDonnell Alexander MacDonnell James Joseph MacDonnell Randell MacMahon Heber MacMahon Hugh Óg MacMahon Peadar MacMunn Charles Alexander MacMurrough Kavanagh Domhnall MacMurrough Muircheartach MacMurrough Muiris MacMurrough Murchadh MacSheehy Bernard MacSweeney William Jasper Macartney George Macken Peter Paul Macready Cecil Frederick Nevil Magennis James Joseph Maguire Cúchonnacht Mór Mahon Bryan Thomas Malby Nicholas Malley James Young Mallin Michael Thomas Martin Wood William Gregory Martin Eamon Massey Eyre Massue de Ruvigny Henri Massy William Godfrey Dunham Maxwell Arthur Kenlis Maxwell John Grenfell Mayne Robert Blair McCallum John Dunwoodie Martin McCay James Whiteside McClintock Francis Leopold McClure Robert John Le Mesurier McElroy George Edward Henry McGee James Edward McHenry James McKenna Daniel McKeown Sean McKinney Thomas Joseph McLoughlin Sean McMahon Arthur McMillen William McNeill Hugh Hyacinth McPeake John McQuade John Meagher Thomas Francis Mervyn Audley Michelburne John Minch Sydney Basil Molesworth Richard Monck George Monro George Monro Robert Monteith Robert Montgomery Alexander John Montgomery Hugh Maude de Fellenberg Montgomery Hugh Montgomery Richard Montmorency Hervey de Moore Charles Moore Edward Moore Garret Moore Garret Moore John Moore Maurice George Morres Hervey Montmorency Moryson Richard Moylan Stephen Mulcahy Patrick Anthony Mulcahy Richard Murphy John Francis Desmond Murray Adam Napier William Francis Patrick Needham Francis Jack Newce William Noble William Henry Nolan John Philip Norris John Norris Thomas Nugent Christopher Nugent George Nugent John Nugent Laval Nugent Oliver Stewart Wood Nugent Richard Nugent Thomas OBrien Charles OBrien John Thomond OBrien Murrough OBrien William OByrne Tadhg OCarroll Maolruanaidh OCarroll Maolruanaidh OCarroll Seaán OCarroll Tadhg Ailbhe OCarroll Tadhg Caoch OCarroll Tadhg OCarroll William Odhar OClery Patrick Keyes OConnally Owen OConnell Daniel Charles OConnell Jeremiah Joseph OConnell Maurice Charles Philip OConnell Moritz OConnor Donn Aodh Óg OConnor Faly An Calbach OConnor Faly An Calbach OConnor Faly Brian OConnor Faly Cathaoir OConnor Faly Conn OConnor Faly Muirchertach OConnor Roe Feidhlimidh Fionn OConnor Roe Tadhg Buidhe OConnor Roe Toirdhealbhach Ruadh OConnor Francis Burdett OConnor Luke OConnor Ruaidhrí ODaly Patrick ODonnell Aodh Ruadh ODonnell Daniel ODonnell Domhnall ODonnell Hugh Aodh Ruadh ODonnell Hugh Balldearg ODonnell Neachtan ODonnell Niall Garbh ODonnell Ruaidhrí ODonnell Toirdhealbhach Cairbreach ODonnell Toirdhealbhach ODonoghue Florence ODonovan Edmund ODuffy Eoin ODwyer John Gerard OGowan Eric Edward Dorman OHara Charles OKeane Henry OKeeffe Patrick OKelly Charles OKelly William OLeary Daniel Florence OLeary Jeremiah OLeary Michael OMahony Daniel OMoran James OMore Brian Riabhach OMore Rory ONeill Brian ONeill Brian ONeill Daniel ONeill Enrí ONeill Eóghan ONeill Felix ONeill Hugh ONeill Hugh ONeill John Bruce Richard ONeill Matthew ONeill Neil ONeill Phelim ONeill Turlough Luineach ONeill Énrí OReilly Alexander OReilly Andrew OReilly John Francis OReilly John Roberts OReilly Joseph OReilly Myles William Patrick OReilly Philip MacHugh ORourke Aodh Buidhe ORourke Brian Óg ORourke Cathal ORourke Tadhg ORourke Tighearnán Óg ORourke Ualgharg OShaughnessy William OSullivan Beare OSullivan Gearóid OSullivan John William OSullivan John OToole Aodh OToole Arthur Severus OToole Brian OToole David OToole Feidhlim OToole John Ruadh OToole Muirchertach OToole Toirdhealbhach Óg Olpherts William Ouseley Ralph Oxburgh Heward Pack Denis Page Thomas Hyde Paget Arthur Henry Fitzroy Pakenham Edward Michael Pakenham William Lygon Paris Christopher Parker John Parker Robert Parsons Lawrence Worthington Patterson John Henry Pennefather John Lysaght Persse William Phaire Robert Phillips Molesworth Phillips Thomas Phillips Thomas Piers William Plunket Christopher Plunkett Thomas Oliver Westenra Poer Robert Poer Roger Ponsonby John Ponsonby William Portlock Joseph Ellison Pottinger Eldred Pottinger Henry Power James Power John Power Richard Power Robert Prendergast Thomas Preston Thomas Price Ivon Henry Purcell Nicholas Pynnar Nicholas Rainsford Frederick Fitzpatrick Ralegh Walter Rawdon Arthur Redmond Denis Lambert Redmond William Archer Redmond William Hoey Kearney Reid Thomas Mayne Reynolds John Rich Barnaby Richard II Roberts Frederick Sleigh Robertson Francis Robinson David Lubbock Robinson Joseph Roch James Roche Boyle Roche Eamonn Ross Lt col. Ronald Deane Ross of Bladensburg John Foster George Ross Robert Ross Robert Rothe Michael Sabine Edward Sadleir George Forster Saint Ruth Charles Chalmont Sandys William Sankey Hierome Sarsfield Patrick Saul Jonathan Patrick Savage Roland Shaw Frederick Charles Shearer Edgar Donald Reid Sheehan Daniel Desmond Sheil Justin Shields James Sidney Philip Sinton John Alexander Skeffington Clotworthy Skeffington John Smith James Smyth Gerald Bryce Ferguson Smythe William James Somerville Henry Boyle Townshend Southerne Thomas Spence Gusty Augustus Andrew Spender Wilfrid Bliss St Lawrence Christopher St Leger Warham St Leger William Stanley William Stephens William Lawson Stevens John Stewart Charles William Stewart Kenneth Donald Stewart Maj Charles Stewart Robert Stewart William Stewart William Stoker Henry Hugh Gordon Dacre Stopford James Stotherd Richard Hugh Stukeley Thomas Sutton Thomas Sweeney Joseph Aloysius Sweeny Thomas William Sweetman Edward Taaffe Francis Taaffe Nicholas Taaffe Theobald Taaffe William Talbot George Talbot John Talbot Richard Talbot Thomas Tandy James Taylor Alexander Teeling Bartholomew John Teeling Bartholomew Teeling Charles George Tennent John Thomas George Thomson George Tichbourne Henry Tindal Nicolas Henry Joseph Tobin Liam Tone Mathew Tone William Henry Tone William Theobald Wolfe Torrens Henry Townsend Richard Trant Nicholas Trench Frederick William Trevor Marcus Tudor Henry Hugh Tulloch Alexander Murray Turner Alfred Edward Tyrrell Richard Tyrrell William Ua Conchobair Cathal Carrach Ua Conchobair Cathal Mór Crobderg Vallancey Charles Vandeleur John Ormsby Vane Francis Patrick Fletcher Vereker Charles Verling James Roche Vigors Nicholas Aylward Waddell Hugh Wade George Walker George Wall Joseph Wallace Robert Hugh Waller Hardress Walshe Edward Warburton George Drought Ware Hugh Warren Peter Warren Richard Augustus Watson Charles Moore Wellesley Arthur White Harry White James Robert Wickham Charles George Williams Charles Frederick Wilmot Charles Wilson Henry Hughes Wingfield Richard Winter Ormonde de lÉpée Wogan Charles Wolfe George Wolseley Garnet Joseph Wolseley William Woods Philip James Worcester Philip Wynne Owen Young Alexander Young Peter a9508 Denis Martin de Prendergast Maurice fitz Gerald Maurice Águila Juan del Ó Conchubhair Pádraig Aldworth Richard Archdale Mervyn Auchinleck Claude John Eyre Bagenal Henry Baker Henry Barry Garret Barry John Beamish Francis Victor Bellew George Leopold Bellingham Henry Beresford William Carr Bisset Hugh Blacker William Bourke William Brereton William Browne Anthony Bryan George Leopold Bryan George Burke Risdeárd Button Thomas Byrne Vincent Cleburne Patrick Ronayne Cogan Geoffrey de Cogan Miles Conway Thomas Conyngham David Power Corry Daniel Crawford Frederick Hugh Cromwell Edward Dalton James Emmet Devereux Robert Devine William Dillon Arthur Dillon Theobald Dodington Edward Esmond Thomas Fitzgerald Maurice Freigne Fulk Gilbert Humphrey Gough John Edmond Greatrakes William Hamilton George Hamilton Hugh Hastings Francis Rawdon Houghton Daniel Humbert Jean Joseph Amable Kellett Henry Lucy John Francis MacCarthy Donogh MacCarthy Joseph Aidan MacKenna John Juan MacMahon Seán Michael MacWhite Michael Maguire Hugh Maguire Rory McCormick Thomas Millen Francis Frederick Morgan William Nathan Matthew Netterville John Nicholson John OBrien Daniel OConnor Don Ruaidhrí OConnor Don Toirdhealbhach Óg OConnor Faly Art OConor Don Hugh ODonnell An Calbhach OGorman Purcell OGorman Thomas OHara James OMalley Austin OMore Rory OMore Uaithne ONeill John ONeill Owen Roe OSullivan Beare Philip Pakenham Charles Reginald Parsons Lawrence Ponsonby Talbot Charles William Reynolds James Henry Rice James Louis Ridgeway Joseph West Riley John Roberts Randal Howland Sadleir Thomas Sandes Arthur Sankey Richard Hieram Schomberg Frederick Herman von Spencer Brent Spratt James Talbot Richard Francis Trant Thomas Trench William Le Poer Tuchet James Tuckey James Hingston Vaughan John Venables Robert Wilson Walter Gordon Wogan Edward fitz Stephen Robert fitz William Raymond
List of Female Members: Barry James Davies Christian McCarthy Janie OKelly Mary de Galway OSullivan Maureen Patricia Summersby Kathleen Helen Thornton Brigid Lyons ODonnell Erica Marie Josèphe Price Dolours
Sample relations for illustrative purposes

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