Suggested Search: Arthur Wellesley, Meath, novelist, religion
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Lawyer is a Occupation.

Total Members: 195 | Male Members: 194 | Female Members: 1.

List of Male Members: Alen John Alleyn James Armstrong Henry Bruce Armstrong Richard Atkinson John Aungier Francis Babington Anthony Brutus Ball Nicholas Barnewall Christopher Barnewall Patrick Barrett Stephen Declan Barrington Matthew Barron Geoffrey Barry Ralph Brereton Barton Dunbar Plunket Bellew William Bellings Richard Bennett Richard Newton Beresford Marcus Blake Edward Blake Richard Boland John Mary Pius Boyle Christopher Kevin Bric John Bridgwater John Browne Daniel Browne Geoffrey Browne John Bryan Patrick Burgh Walter Hussey Burke Ulick Ralph Burnell Henry Butler Simon Cairns Hugh McCalmont Campbell James Henry Mussen Campbell Thomas Joseph Carson Edward Henry Carter Thomas Chartres John Smith Cockran William Bourke Coghlan Joseph Cole John Sydney Richard Collins John Henry Comyn George Comyn Michael Conolly Thomas James Cook John Copinger Maurice Crookshank Alexander Curran Constantine Peter Curran John Philpot Curran Richard Creagh Cusack James Davies John Dawson Arthur Delahide Richard Dillon Garret Dolan Charles Joseph Dowse Richard Duane William John Duke Henry Edward Egan John Emmet Thomas Addis Everard John Falkiner Caesar Litton FitzGibbon John Fitzgerald James Fitzgibbon Gerald Fitzharris Edward Flood Warden Gallagher Henry Thomas Glass John Basil Glynn Patrick McMahon Gray Moses Wilson Hadsor Richard Hanna Francis Hayes Francis Mahon Joseph Hearn William Edward Henry Denis Stanislaus Heron Denis Caulfield Herzog Chaim Holmes Robert Hudson William Elliott Hughes Henry George Jackson Richard Kelly Richard John Kenealy Edward Vaughan Hyde Kenney Fitzgerald James Christopher Langford Henry Lardner James Carrige Rushe Law Hugh Alexander Lawless John Leamy Edmund Levinge Richard Lindsay Robert Little Patrick John Lucas Henry Lynch Robert Roebuck MacBride Seán MacDonagh Terence MacDonnell James Joseph Magan Francis Maguire Conor Alexander Malone Anthony Malone Edmond Martin Richard May George Augustus Chichester Mayart Samuel McGilligan Patrick McKenna Theobald McSparran James McVeagh Trevor George Brooke Meade John Muldoon John Murphy Arthur Murphy Francis Stack Netterville Richard Nihell James Noyek Michael Nugent Thomas OBrien Cornelius OConnor James OConnor Maurice ODonnell Thomas ODwyer Paul OFlanagan James Roderick OLoghlen Colman Michael OLoghlen Michael Orpen Goddard Henry Osborne John Paterson William Pigot David Richard Pigot John Edward Plunkett John Hubert Plunkett Nicholas Preston William Proby John Joshua Quinn John Redmond William Archer Reid Richard Tuohill Rice Stephen Richey Alexander George Rochford Robert Ross Lt col. Ronald Deane Ruttledge Patrick Joseph Ryan Eoin Sampson William Samuels Arthur Warren Scott John Shee George Skinner James John Skrene William Smith James Smith Michael Stawell William Foster Stokes Whitley Sugden Edward Burtenshaw Sullivan Francis Stoughton Swayne John Talbot Robert Taylor John Francis Temple John Tighe Edward Trant Dominick Upington Thomas Vanston George Thomas Barrett Vernon John Fane Walsh John White Nicholas Whiteside James Wilson Daniel Martin Wilson John Wrixon Henry John Yelverton Barry Aylmer Gerald Bardfield William Battersby Thomas Stephenson Francis Blake Anthony Richard Bodkin Matthias McDonnell Butler Theobald Byrne Séamus Darcy Patrick Donnellan James Emmet Robert Hearne John Joseph Longfield Mountifort Naish John Parsons Lawrence Plunket John Radcliffe George Rea John Rothe Robert Sarsfield Dominick Supple Gerald Henry
List of Female Members: Moran Frances Elizabeth
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