Suggested Search: Arthur Wellesley, Meath, novelist, religion
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Soldier is a Occupation.

Total Members: 339 | Male Members: 339 | Female Members: 0.

List of Male Members: Abercromby Ralph Adam William Augustus Arnott Lauriston John Bagenal Nicholas Bagenal Walter Barnewall Nicholas Barrett John Barry Maxwell John Barry James Barré Isaac Bellingham Edward Belton Andrew Beresford George Thomas Berkeley John Bickerstaff Isaac John Bingham George Charles Bingham George Bingham Richard Blackwell James Bartholomew Bladen Martin Blake James Blakeney William Bligh Thomas Blount Charles Brooke Bodley Josias Bourke Theobald Bourke Walter Boyd Robert Boyle Roger Brennan Austin Joseph Brodrick St John Brooke Basil Brooke Robert Brouncker Henry Browne George Baxter Browne George Browne Nicholas Browne Valentine Bury Howard Charles Kenneth Butler James Butler Piers Butler Richard Butler Walter Butler William Francis Byrne Joseph Aloysius Cadogan William Cadogan William Caldwell Henry Caldwell James Campbell Cecil James Henry Caradoc John Francis Caradoc John Hobart Carleton Guy Carney Francis Casement Thomas Hugh Caulfeild Toby Chamberlain Neville Francis Fitzgerald Charlton John Chesney Francis Rawdon Chichester Arthur Chichester Arthur Church Richard Clery Cornelius Francis Clifford Conyers Clifford Robert Clotworthy Upton Cockburn George Cole William Collins Dominic Conway Henry Seymour Cooper Bryan Ricco Coote Eyre Cornwallis Charles Cosby Francis Cotter James Coughlan Cornelius Cowan Peadar Crane Charles Paston Croft James Cromwell Henry Crosbie Thomas Crozier Frank Percy Cusack Nicholas Cutts John Dalton Charles Francis Darcy Patrick Dartasso Janico Dease Maurice James Deasy Henry Hugh Peter Deasy Timothy Dermody Thomas Derry Valentine Despard Edward Marcus Devereux John Docwra Henry Dongan Thomas Dongan William Doyle James Michael Drury William Edgeworth Kenneth Essex Erle Thomas Esmond Laurence Feehan Matthew Finn Edmund Fitzgerald Henry Fitzgerald John Fitzgibbon John Charles Henry Fitzharris Edward Fitzjames James Fitzpatrick Bernard Edward Barnaby Fitzpatrick Richard Fleetwood Charles Flood Solly Arthur Foley Gerald Robert Edward Forbes Arthur Forbes Arthur Forbes George Gough Hubert de la Poer Grey Arthur Guinness Walter Edward Gwynn Stephen Lucius Haddick Victor Anderson Hamilton Anthony Hamilton Frederick Hamilton Gustavus Hamilton James Hamilton John William Hamilton William Henry Harrington Niall Charles Harrison Henry Harty Oliver Hely Hutchinson John Hoare Edward Holden David Charles Beresford Hutchinson Hely Christopher Hutchinson Hely John Ingoldsby Henry Ingoldsby Richard Ireton Henry Irwin John Jephson William Johnson Henry Johnstone Edgeworth Walter Jones Arthur Keatinge Maurice Bagenal St Leger Kelly Thomas Keogh Myles Walter Kerwin Michael Kettle Thomas Michael Keugh Matthew King Frank Douglas King William Knox John La Touche David Digues I Laffan Robert Michael Lambart Oliver Lawless Patrick Ledwidge Francis Edward Leonard Arthur Glyn Lewis Andrew Luttrell Henry Lawes Luttrell Henry Mac Eoin Seán MacCall Seamus MacCarthy Charles MacCarthy Donough MacDonagh Terence MacDonnell Alexander MacMahon Hugh Óg MacMahon Peadar Macartney George Macready Cecil Frederick Nevil Maguire Cúchonnacht Mór Malby Nicholas Martin Wood William Gregory Massue de Ruvigny Henri Maxwell John Grenfell Mayne Robert Blair McCallum John Dunwoodie Martin McCay James Whiteside McGee James Edward McHenry James McNeill Hugh Hyacinth McPeake John McQuade John Meagher Thomas Francis Mervyn Audley Michelburne John Minch Sydney Basil Monteith Robert Montgomery Alexander John Montgomery Hugh Montgomery Richard Moore Edward Moore Garret Moore Garret Moore Maurice George Morres Hervey Montmorency Moryson Richard Mulcahy Patrick Anthony Murray Adam Needham Francis Jack Norris Thomas Nugent Richard Nugent Thomas OBrien Murrough OClery Patrick Keyes OConnell Jeremiah Joseph OConnell Maurice Charles Philip OConnor Luke ODonnell Hugh Balldearg ODonoghue Florence ODonovan Edmund ODuffy Eoin OGowan Eric Edward Dorman OKeeffe Patrick OLeary Daniel Florence OLeary Michael ONeill Daniel ONeill John Bruce Richard ONeill Phelim OReilly Joseph OReilly Myles William Patrick OReilly Philip MacHugh ORourke Brian Óg OSullivan Beare OSullivan Gearóid OSullivan John OToole Arthur Severus Oxburgh Heward Paget Arthur Henry Fitzroy Parker John Parker Robert Phaire Robert Plunkett Thomas Oliver Westenra Ponsonby John Portlock Joseph Ellison Pottinger Eldred Pottinger Henry Power James Power John Power Richard Preston Thomas Ralegh Walter Rawdon Arthur Redmond William Archer Rich Barnaby Robertson Francis Roch James Roche Boyle Ross Lt col. Ronald Deane Ross of Bladensburg John Foster George Ross Robert Sabine Edward Sankey Hierome Sarsfield Patrick Shaw Frederick Charles Shearer Edgar Donald Reid Sheehan Daniel Desmond Shields James Sidney Philip Skeffington John Smythe William James Southerne Thomas St Lawrence Christopher St Leger Warham St Leger William Stanley William Stevens John Stewart Charles William Stewart Maj Charles Stukeley Thomas Sutton Thomas Taaffe Theobald Taaffe William Talbot George Talbot Thomas Tandy James Teeling Bartholomew John Teeling Charles George Tichbourne Henry Tobin Liam Tone William Henry Tudor Henry Hugh Vallancey Charles Vane Francis Patrick Fletcher Vigors Nicholas Aylward Wall Joseph Wallace Robert Hugh Waller Hardress Wellesley Arthur White James Robert Wickham Charles George Wilmot Charles Wilson Henry Hughes Wingfield Richard Wogan Charles Wolfe George Wolseley William Woods Philip James Wynne Owen Young Peter Ó Conchubhair Pádraig Auchinleck Claude John Eyre Bagenal Henry Beresford William Carr Bourke William Brereton William Browne Anthony Byrne Vincent Conyngham David Power Crawford Frederick Hugh Cromwell Edward Dalton James Emmet Esmond Thomas Fitzgerald Maurice Gilbert Humphrey Greatrakes William Hamilton Hugh Hastings Francis Rawdon MacCarthy Donogh MacWhite Michael Maguire Hugh McCormick Thomas Millen Francis Frederick Morgan William Nathan Matthew ONeill Owen Roe OSullivan Beare Philip O’Byrne Aodh Parsons Lawrence Rice James Louis Riley John Roberts Randal Howland Sandes Arthur Trench William Le Poer Tuchet James Venables Robert Wogan Edward
Sample relations for illustrative purposes

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